Honoring Motherhood

Honoring Motherhood

God could not be everywhere and that is why he created mothers. ~Jewish proverb

Who ran to help me when I fell,
And I would tell some nice story,
Or would I kiss the spot to make it okay?
My mother. ~Ann Taylor

Mother's Day is a wonderful holiday widely celebrated around the world that aims to honor mothers and motherhood. It is an official day set aside to celebrate the wisdom, beauty, and unconditional love of every mother by showering them with attention, love, and Mother's Day gifts.

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Celebrating the importance of motherhood is a tradition that dates back to ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations. The oldest history of Mother's Day goes back to the annual spring festival that the Greeks dedicated to their mother goddesses. The ancient Romans also celebrated a spring festival called Hilaria dedicated to Cybele, a mother goddess. The modern observance of Mother's Day began in England, where in the 17th century people began celebrating Mother's Sunday on the fourth Sunday of Lent. On this day, mothers were treated as guests of honor and presented with wild flowers and sweets.

In the US, although inspired by Mothering Sunday in England, the holiday never gained momentum until activist and social worker Anna Jarvis started the crusade to establish a day of remembrance to honor the role of women and mothers. In 1907, he gave 500 white carnations (his mother's favorite flower) to all the women in his church congregation on the anniversary of his mother's death. A year later, the first Mother's Day was celebrated at St. Andrew Methodist Episcopal Church in West Virginia on May 10, 1908. Soon after, the tradition spread throughout the United States and Canada, and the celebration spread has spread throughout the world. However, not all countries celebrate it on the same day. The most celebrated date of Mother's Day is the second Sunday of May, which is observed in 65 countries, including: the US, Canada, Australia, China, and as in the case of Costa Rica it is August 15.

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Mother's Day is the next big holiday after Christmas and Valentine's Day. Children and family members around the world use this day as an opportunity to express love and gratitude to their mothers, grandmothers, or other mother figures in their lives.

In short, Mother's Day is an opportunity to honor and thank the most important person in our lives: our mother. And what better way to do that than with a delicious, high-quality gift from UGB? Surprise mom on her special day and make her feel loved and appreciated. Visit us at www.universalgiftbaskets.com and discover all our options to give away on Mother's Day!

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